Saturday, March 1.
  • Breaking News

    Trick to Buy Redmi Note 4 from Flipkart Flash Sale with Proven {Script}

    Good News! Flash sale day is here for Redmi Note 4 Starting at Rs 9999 - Sale Starts at 23rd Jan 12 Noon only on (not even on, don't get fed up of not getting it in your Cart on sale day, well no worry - here is working Trick to Auto buy Redmi Note 4, you know that there will be lot of people who are waiting for this tremendous phone : yes you are lucky that you land to that page. You can buy the phone in second on sale day if you run this script in your browser. Below is the solution cum script :) for you.

    What you need to do is, just need to run extra script when you are buying the phone from in any of your browser. Indeed! You can see the magic, you will see "Redmi Note 4" in your Flipkart cart. After this process you have next 15 minutes to complete the buying procedure. See Below how this process can be done in very easy steps!

    For Latest Redmi Note 4 Flash Sale:
    Don't forget: Before buying you need to first register your email on official Flipkart website:
    (Registration will be closed on Jan 23, 11:59 AM)

    Finally - Here is the script from you can Auto Buy your dream photo Redmi Note 4 @ Rs 12,999 or @ 10,999 Only (Make sure it will work after flash sale is start - no need to set if before the sale - it won't work by the way) :

    setInterval(function(){ $('.jbv-buy-big').trigger('click'); console.log('Dont press any key until we add Redmi Note 4 to your cart.'); },10);
    As its first Flash sale of this dream phone on Flipkart, we are giving 100% guarantee that, you can auto buy it from this script. If you can't please tell us in comment section. We will help you!!!

    * Easy 5 steps to buy Xaomi MI Redmi Note 4 successfully : (Be 100% sure that, this trick will work only on Flash sale day)

    Step 1: First go to this URL: Redmi Note 4 - 32 GB | Redmi Note 4 - 32 GB

    Then, Step 2: Right click and select "Inspect Element" option (or you can just Press F12 from keyboard).

    Then, Step 3: Click on "Console" tab (Blank Console will open)

    Then, Step 4: Paste the Auto Buy Script code in the console tab and press Enter, wait for 7 Seconds! (You should see Xaomi MI Redmi Note 4 successfully moved in your Flipkart Cart)

    Then, Step 5: If "Step 4" won't work then keep refreshing the page until the "Buy Now" appear on the page - infinite time!

    Step 6: Keep an eye on this Page for Any major updates

    You are awesome! Have a best of luck!!

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